Monday, January 16, 2012

My Favourite Films of 2011

In a similar manner to my favourite albums, it wasn't until I sat down and thought about the films in 2011 that I realised how many I'd really liked. There are some absolute killers on this list. Just a quick one for the rules: I'm going by Irish / UK release date, hence the inclusion of some foreign titles that actually came out in their home countries a year or two ago. And before anyone mentions it, no, I haven't forgot Melancholia, Never Let Me Go, Hanna, or The Tree Of Life. They were just shite.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Best Albums of 2011

I didn't realise what a great year it had been for music until I sat down to knock together a shortlist for my Top 20 of 2011. Before I'd even seriously thought about it, I'd got a list of over 50 albums. Narrowing them down to a Top 20 was pretty tough, but picking my favourite of the year was ridiculous - any one of the top 3 could have been it. Anyway, on with the list. Read, disagree, call me a cunt. Can't wait!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Oscars 2011

So, it's Oscars Night! As I settle down ready to stay up all night watching a ceremony that will likely bore the tits off me, I felt the urge to give my opinion on the ten movies nominated for Best Picture. Truth be told, it's one of the best years for The Academy I can remember – nominations for directors like Fincher, Aronofsky and the Coens, and a nomination for Trent feckin' Reznor? Hard to fault. And, after watching all the Best Picture noms, I have to say none of them disappoint. But I thought it may be of interest to the NO-ONE who reads this blog, to rank all ten in my order of preference. If The Academy don't pick The King's Speech I'll eat my own foot, but here's what the Apocademy would award.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Finest Pop Songs of 2010

Yeah, that's right: Pop songs. I like pop songs. Well, some of them. Most of the charts are populated by autotuned gash churned out by dribbling mongoloid meatsacks with a haircut. But that's what makes a good pop song special; it occupies a genre aimed primarily at kids and idiots, but transcends it to become something much more awesome. So here's my pick of last year's singles.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Albums Of The Year 2010

While I'm primarily a Metalhead at heart, I like to think I have a fairy eclectic taste in music... well, I'm currently writing this while wearing a Tori Amos t-shirt underneath a Gojira hoodie, at the very least. You wouldn't get that impression from this list though, but the truth is that I've found 2010 to be a very disappointing year outside of the Metal world. Inside the Metal world, however, we've had some absolute stormers. You'll find the best of them on this list. Read, comment, tell me I'm not TRVE and KVLT because ohmygod I like bands that sing and stuff... it's all welcome.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Apoc's Top 20 Films of 2010

Man, I love making lists. It's what I look forward to most about Christmas. Not seeing friends and family, not getting presents, not going to parties... I like a nice long sit-down, deep in consideration over where exactly in my lists things need to go. I'm such a fucking geek.

Anyway, I think 2010 has been a bit of a cracker for movies. I watched a lot of these fillums when they came out, but, as the deluge of 'Best Films of 2010' lists started popping up a few weeks ago, I started trying to watch all the films on those lists, and happened across some real stunners. The full list is below; if you agree or disagree, or have suggestions for ones I may have missed, let me know! Pah, who am I kidding, no-one's reading this.